Environmental and Social Management Plan (Vol. 6) – Edim Otop Gully erosion site in Calabar Municipality
ABSTRACT The objective of the Erosion and Watershed Management Project for Nigeria is to restore degraded lands and reduce longer-term erosion vulnerability in targeted areas. Negative measures include: increased traffic; air and noise emissions; solid wastes...
Resettlement action plan (Vol. 5) – priority erosion Gully site in Calabar
ABSTRACT The objective of the Erosion and Watershed Management Project for Nigeria is to restore degraded lands and reduce longer-term erosion vulnerability in targeted areas. Negative impact includes: landlessness; homelessness; joblessness; food insecurity;...
Resettlement Action Plan (Vol. 6) – erosion Gully Site in Calabar, Cross River State (Edim-Otop)
ABSTRACT The objective of the Erosion and Watershed Management Project for Nigeria is to restore degraded lands and reduce longer-term erosion vulnerability in targeted areas. Negative impact includes: landlessness; homelessness; joblessness; food insecurity;...