National Space Research Development Agency (NASRDA) Report

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The menace of erosion globally has a huge impact on the socio-economy of areas were they exist. This is also true for Nigeria where the high number of erosion sites, particularly in the south eastern parts of the country had severe socio-economic...

NEWMAP Commences Civil Works Activities in 21 Erosion Sites in the Seven Participating States. Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) has been paid to likely Project Affected Persons (PAP) in some of the States.

The Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) project became effective on September 16, 2013. The World Bank agreed to finance the Project with a credit of $500 million. This credit was approved in addition to fully blended grants of $3.96 million from...

Interview with Hon Darius Dickson Ishaku

NEWMAP: “An innovative initiative of government under the transformation agenda”Interview with Hon Darius Dickson Ishaku In this maiden edition, the editorial team, with National Project Coordinator, met with HON. DARIUS DICKSON ISHAKU HONOURABLE MINISTER OF STATE...