The objective of the Erosion and Watershed Management Project for Nigeria is to restore degraded lands and reduce longer-term erosion vulnerability in targeted areas. Negative measures include: increased traffic; air and noise emissions; solid wastes generation and handling; effluents; use of natural resources; earth movements such as landslides, earth flow, mud flow, etc; occupational and public health issues; biodiversity loss, endangered and exotic species; and flooding.

Mitigation measures include:

a) proper disposal of construction spoil and any hazardous waste will be stored in areas clearly designated and labelled;

b) providing complimentary livelihood (promoting alternative means of income (which is sustainable and adaptable for each community);

c) ensure that the air quality levels are constantly monitored which can be obtained from relevant local air pollution control agencies or metrology units in the states;

d) roadway runoff will not be placed directly into watercourses but allowed to flow over grassed or pervious pavements in order to permit the settling out of fine materials; and

e) ensure that all road signs are completed with speed limits zones and traffic signs in place.